Images of Egypt

Myth tells us that the camel stores water in its hump.

The truth is the hump is a fatty deposit that provides energy when food is scarce.

The camel stores water in its blood stream,  a unique water saving biology that the camel has developed over the centuries.  Capable of losing forty percent of its body's weight before becoming distressed, it is able to go five to seven days before having to drink. The amount it drinks when water is available would cause severe problems in most animals, up to 21 gallons in about 10 minutes. The water it drinks can be too salty or brackish for other animals. Camels are ruminants, similar to cows, with three stomachs. They don't chew their food. They eat by swallowing their food whole and allowing it to be partially digested by the stomachs before being chewed as a cud later.

At 481 feet it was the tallest building on earth for nearly 4000 years. Originally it was covered with limestone casing stones giving it a white smooth surface. The white limestone was stripped away thousands of years later with the Arab invasion of Egypt, to build Palaces and Mosques in Cairo.

The camel is able to carry loads as heavy as 900 pounds, although normally a camel will only carry a third of that.

Evolving in North America, the camel apparently crossed the land bridge over the Bering Strait during prehistoric times.